Health and Medical Humanities Network

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The CHCI Health and Medical Humanities Network is a hub for health and medical humanities research and collaboration. With over 30 member institutions worldwide, the CHCI Health and Medical Humanities Network is one of the largest organizations in the field, forging new interdisciplinary networks and collaborations between campus, clinic, and community.

The Health and Medical Humanities Network was launched from the CHCI Mellon grant for work in the medical humanities (2013–2016). As part of that grant (which also funded research projects at six different CHCI member centers), we created an interactive website. The Network also held Summer Institutes in health and medical humanities at Dartmouth University (2015), King’s College London (2016), the University of Miami (2017), Duke University (2018), and Columbia Global Centers | Paris (2019).

As membership has expanded and the Mellon sub-grant has concluded, the Network continues to organize and sponsor annual Summer Institutes. The CHCI Health and Medical Humanities Network website, maintained by the Society of Fellows and Heyman Center for the Humanities at Columbia University, offers scholars and the general public directories of recent scholarship, projects, events and social media activity related to the field throughout the world.

Membership and email list: New members are invited to join the Network on our registration page. Join the mailing list here to receive newsletters.

The excitement generated by our Summer Institutes and the enthusiasm of our collaborators on four continents have convinced us that health and medical humanities is a robust and growing field and that many humanities centers are deeply involved in its promotion. Since 2015, we have been a CHCI recognized network, a designation that helps us sustain the relationships built during the Mellon grant period and that promotes our fruitful collaborations. We believe that CHCI can provide a crucial crossroads that will enable us to support the work of various centers in this field by providing ample opportunities for developing and keeping the lines of communication open while looking for productive ways to collaborate.

The CHCI Health and Medical Humanities Network has three primary goals:

  • To contribute to the ways medicine and the humanities are taught and practiced;
  • To provide new models for research within and across fields; and
  • To foster collaborations between scholars working in humanities departments and their colleagues in the health sciences.

Steering Committee

Rishi K. Goyal, Director, Medicine, Literature and Society Major, Columbia University

Brian Hurwitz, Director, Centre for Humanities and Health, Kings College London

Deborah Jenson, Director, Health Humanities Lab, Duke University

Maheshvari Naidu, Senior Lecturer in Anthropology, University of KwaZulu-Natal

Kathryn Rhine, Associate Professor of Medical Anthropology, University of Kansas


Eileen Gillooly, Executive Director, Society of Fellows and Heyman Center for the Humanities, Columbia University

John McGowan, John W. and Anna H. Hanes Distinguished Professor, University of North Carolina

Additional CHCI Participants

Franklin Humanities Institute, Duke University

Leslie Center for the Humanities, Dartmouth

Simpson Center, University of Washington

WISER, University of Witswatersrand

Institute for the Arts and Humanities, University of North Carolina

Heyman Center for the Humanities, Columbia University

Centre for the Humanities and Health, King’s College London

Research Institute for the Humanities, Chinese University of Hong Kong

Institute for Advanced Study, University of Minnesota

Center for the Humanities and the Public Sphere, University of Florida

Society for the Humanities, Cornell University

Institute of the Humanities and Global Cultures, University of Virginia

Institute for Humanities Research, Arizona State University

Institute for the Study of Religion and Culture, University of Arizona

Arts and Humanities Center for Synergy, University of Maryland

Humanities Institute, Wake Forest University

Higgins School of Humanities, Clark University